
The Different Types of POF Shrink Film

Polyolefin (POF) shrink film has become a popular choice in the packaging industry due to its flexibility, strength, and clarity. But with various POF options available, selecting the right type for your specific needs can feel overwhelming. This blog post dives deep into the different types of POF shrink film, helping you make an informed decision.

Understanding POF Shrink Film

POF shrink film, also known as polyolefin heat shrinkable film, is a plastic film commonly made from polyethylene. When heat exposure, the film shrinks tightly around the product, creating a secure and tamper-evident seal. POF film is known for its:

High clarity: Perfect for showcasing products.

Excellent strength: Provides puncture and tear resistance.

Shrinkage properties: Conforms to various shapes and sizes.

Eco-friendliness: Recyclable in most recycling streams (check with your local facilities).

Types of POF Shrink Film

Here's a breakdown of the most common POF shrink film types, along with their unique characteristics and ideal applications:

Biaxially Oriented POF (BOF): This is the most widely used type. BOF film goes through a stretching process in both machine and transverse directions, resulting in:

Superior strength and shrink force: Ideal for heavy or irregularly shaped products.

High gloss and clarity: Perfect for retail packaging where product appearance is crucial.

Excellent machinability: Works well with high-speed packaging machinery like automatic shrink tunnels.

Baoshuo Biotechnology Packaging: A Trusted Source for BOF Shrink Film

Baoshuo Biotechnology Packaging, a leading manufacturer of high-quality POF film, offers a wide range of BOF shrink film options to meet your diverse packaging needs. Their films are known for:

Consistent quality:

 Ensures reliable performance and optimal product protection.

Customization capabilities:

Tailor thickness, width, and perforation to your specific requirements.

Competitive pricing:

Provides cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.

Additional POF Shrink Film Options

While BOF is the most common, other POF film variations exist for specific applications:

Non-Oriented POF (NOF): Offers a balance between affordability and performance. Ideal for lighter products or applications where high clarity isn't essential.

Anti-fog POF: Contains additives that prevent condensation buildup on the film, perfect for packaging in humid environments.

Printable POF: Allows for custom logos, branding, or instructions to be printed directly on the film, enhancing brand identity.

Choosing the Right POF Shrink Film

Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a POF shrink film:

Product weight and shape: BOF films are ideal for heavier or irregularly shaped items.

Application requirements: Anti-fog films are suitable for humid environments, while printable films offer branding opportunities.

Machinery compatibility: Ensure the film is compatible with your existing packaging equipment.

Budget: BOF films offer superior performance but may have a slightly higher cost.

Baoshuo Biotechnology Packaging: Your Partner in POF Shrink Film Solutions

Baoshuo Biotechnology Packaging's team of experts can guide you in selecting the most suitable POF shrink film for your specific needs. They offer:

• Technical expertise:

Assist with film selection and application recommendations.

• Sample availability:

Test different film types to find the perfect fit.

• Reliable after-sales support:

Ensure a smooth and successful packaging experience.


POF shrink film offers a versatile and cost-effective packaging solution for various industries. By understanding the different types of POF film and their unique properties, you can make an informed decision that optimizes product protection and enhances your brand image. Consider Baoshuo Biotechnology Packaging as your trusted partner for high-quality, customizable POF shrink film solutions. Contact us today to discuss your precise requirements.

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